People of the Gate
We’d like to introduce you to some of the “People of The Gate”. They are people like you and me. They are people who have discovered how good God is and how their lives have been changed since they started following him. They want to share their stories with you!
As you can see, we have a mixture of written stories, videos and audio recordings! AND come back soon as we add more stories about more of the “People of The Gate”!

Fiona told us her story in March 2024. Watch this video to listen to what she said.

Ann gave her testimony at our “Summer Worship” service on Sunday 8 August 2021.

Angela and Dave
Angela and Dave started coming to The Gate Church during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020/21. They were baptised in July 2021.
Listen to these recordings of Dave and Angela as they told us about their faith.