Support the Vision

Help us to reach the local community
and support our missionaries

A New Way to Give

During the lockdown, we would like to make it easier for folk to support the vision and activities of The Gate Church, if they so wish.

For your convenience, we have added another way of giving, besides cash, cheques or transfer. The Givt App is a way of giving that allows you to participate in the collection anytime and anywhere, even when you are watching from your couch at home.

You simply need to install your Givt App from Apple Store (iphones/devices) or Google Play (android phones/devices)

After installing your Givt App, fill in the details and you have a safe and secure way of giving. You can choose to remain anonymous. If you choose to add gift aid, you will be asked for some personal information.

You can use the QR code or find TheGateChurch, Prudhoe on the list displayed in the Givt App.

Once we re-commence Church services, you can use your Givt App during the offering as you point your device to the offering basket – how clever is that!

Check out the video at the bottom of the page to find out more about how Givt works…

Ready to give Givt App is recommended by Assemblies of God and Elim Church National Leaders

Have you thought about Gift Aid?

As a registered charity (Charity No 1052138) The Gate Church is able to claim Gift Aid on giving made by UK tax payers. This means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give to support the vision of The Gate Church. It will not cost you any extra.

You must give a declaration to each charity you want to donate to through Gift Aid, so please ask us about this.

Other ways to give:

Cash, Cheque – please use our offering envelopes
Cheques made payable to: The Gate Church

Online banking, Standing Order
Barclays Bank: sort code: 20 40 09 acc: 30946486