Get Directions

These are links to a local street map:

Travelling by bus

Local bus services from either Hexham or Newcastle are provided by Go North East.

From Newcastle, choose service 10 or 10B.

From Hexham, choose service 10.

Information about fares and times can be found on the Go North East website.

You can also call Go North East on 0191 420 50 50. They are open from 7am until 7pm Monday to Friday and 9am until 5pm at weekends and bank holidays.

Travelling by car

Coming from Newcastle

Heading to the church from Newcastle on the A695.
On approaching Prudhoe, take the B6395 off to the left.
Follow this road through the town’s high street until you go through a set of traffic lights.
Go through the lights and on to the next left turn which is South Road.
Continue up South Road and take the second right where you will find the church on the corner along with its own parking area.

Coming from Hexham

Heading to the church from Hexham on the A695
On approaching Prudhoe take the B6395 off to the right.
Follow this road through until you reach the Dr Syntax on your left and Prudhoe Methodist on your right.
At this point, take the next right South Road.
Continue up South Road and take the second right where you will find the church on the corner along with its own parking area.

RAC Route Planner/Google Maps

When using either of the above, enter our post code: NE42 6EX


We have a small car park situated beside the church on Swalwell Close.

There is another public car park nearby on Fair View. There are other public car parks within walking distance near Prudhoe West Academy and off Kepwell Bank Top.